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calming sunset with warm colors honoring the five elements


Sanskrit word meaning to yoke, connect, join or unite with source

the aim of a traditional tantra yoga practice

to balance our internal system through a methodical combination of asanas (postures), pranayama (vital energy/breath work) and ancient Vedic philosophy - leading to achieved relaxation on and off your mat. together we will journey to cultivate meditation, stillness, flexibility, strength, body awareness, patience, compassion, creativity and vital energy flow, among many other byproducts of yoga.

some elements of tantra yoga

tantra flow

depending on the class, we begin with a gentle warm-up specifically designed to calibrate our bodies and align our bones. these shorter yoga practices include the Dand Flow: strengthening series, Viyama: standing series, Surya Namaskar: sun salutation, and the diaphragmatic forward folding series. the main focus in traditional yoga flow is preparing yourself in a way that allows you to feel into your body, meditating in your alignment, and to learn simple practices that you can take with you.

the tri dosha series

these core asanas are the primary element of Traditional Tantra Yoga. this sequence takes place entirely on the ground at a slow pace, encouraging meditation and relaxation, similar to a restorative yoga practice. the asanas are held to lengthen + deepen, each one building upon the last, for an overall euphoric and calming body sensation. physically and mentally challenging yet perfect for all levels. final shavasana concludes each practice, offering the space to reset and honor ourselves.

ayurvedic walking massage

experience stress melt away as your bones align and vital energy (prana/qi) flows. through a combination of Ayurvedic massage techniques, the three main channels of subtle energy (meridians/nadis) release all blockages, toxins and lymphatic waste, to improve overall wellness and ease of body function. walking massage and bone alignment offered as a pre-yoga or standalone treatment.

opportunities to learn the techniques at a workshop (see Events).

“Yoga was designed to realize a higher consciousnesss and Ayurveda was designed for health and wellbeing.”


more on the yoga...

explore an ancient practice, led through the lens of traditional Tantra Yoga, as taught by Bhagavan Shri Shanmukha Anantha Natha of Tantra Mela, formerly Shri Kali Ashram. derived directly from the Indian life science of Ayurveda (Artharva Veda, 1200 BC). as we relax, our subconscious mind takes precedence allowing for our return to the zero state, where we express our essential selves. through harmony with yourself and your environment, learn to develop a culture of mastery and flow rather than stress and struggle.

through continued practice, we become reset by metaphysics and open up to achieving a wholesome life culture. feeling present in our bodies and living from this place throughout our day. traditional yoga is a space for freedom of expression and balancing body, mind and spirit.


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